
PDCM 72+

Our Price: $32.00
  • Plant Derived Colloidal Minerals

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Product Details

PDCM72+® plant derived organic colloidal minerals are sub-micron sized particles containing a natural negative electrical charge with two important benefits:    1) when absorbed by the body organic colloids act like a magnet helping pull broken-down cells and toxins into the bloodstream to be eliminated, and   2) PDCM72+® organic colloidal minerals greatly enhance the transport and availability of other nutrients from foods, vitamins and other supplements.   PDCM72+® actually helps rebuild your body AND detoxify it at the same time.  Its 98% absorption rate is 10 times greater than metallic minerals (such as oyster shell, Dolomite or Great Salt Lake water) and 2-1/2  times greater than chelated minerals (which are only metallic minerals chemically wrapped with an amino acid, protein or enzyme to enhance their bioavailability).  Even the best laboratory chelated mineral absorption rate is not greater than 40%.    
PDCM72+® concentrated supplement is the most economical form of the 6 major and 69 trace minerals.  The pure unadulterated colloidal mineral content of PDCM72+® is, ounce to ounce, a greater value both in terms of health and price than competitive products on the market!
The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest her or his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease. Thomas A. Edison