Leading Naturopathic Care & Health Services in Novi, MI

Many factors are considered in a nutritional consultation at Diverse Health Services.

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Blood tests, hair analysis, individual genetics, medical history, and medical procedures affect a patient’s health.  Our naturopathic medical doctors, Dr Tent D.C. and Dr Senechal D.C., investigate each patient’s medical background to treat them best.  With a variety of whole food supplement options, herbal medicine, alternative medicine, natural medicine, integrative naturopathic medicine, complementary medicine, and naturopathic treatments, patients are cared for with an individualized protocol.  Using whole food concentrates, we can treat patients without the adverse side effects of prescription medications. Natural therapies, including acupuncture, herbal medicine, homoeopathy, and dietary changes, play a crucial role in our naturopathic care approach, complementing modern medical treatments and supporting the body's self-healing processes.

Naturopathic Physicians

Naturopathic counselling emphasizes the power of the self to promote a healthy lifestyle, prevent illnesses and treat existing conditions. It promotes an increased sense of well-being and vitality among our patients. When practised consistently, it enhances the resilience of both mind and body alike. Patients feel empowered to care for their health naturally versus heavy pharmaceutical chemicals clouding their minds. Our patients are better able to sustain a healthy lifestyle by being aware of everything they put into their bodies, especially when they consume a wellness-oriented diet and supplements. This leads to a consistent knowledge of the body, including its mindfulness of hunger. When in tune with their bodies, our patients can better understand what to include in their intake and what to avoid. We know each patient differs, so we offer individualized counselling to fit into any lifestyle. Naturopathic practitioners are crucial in guiding patients through individualized counselling tailored to their unique health needs and goals.

Who Can Benefit from Nutritional Counseling?

Diverse Health Services' nutritional counselling works for everybody! We believe every man, woman and child can profit from our services. There are only benefits from the body becoming more self-aware; we believe that starting children's awareness young increases these benefits. Our current clients' lifestyles range from pregnant women to vegetarians to the elderly with medical complications. Those who may significantly benefit from our naturopathic medicine include individuals with diabetes, hypertension, eating disorders, menopause, fitness goals, heart disease and many more.

Naturopathic Medicine Versus Conventional Medicine: It's All in the Timing

It is important to note that naturopathic and conventional medicine excel at different aspects of patient care. Traditional medicine is crucial in most emergencies, while naturopathic doctors, serving as primary care physicians, offer the best preventative approach to disease and prevent illness. A wellness-oriented diet, positive lifestyle changes, and supplements that support the body lead to a much lower risk of emergencies. The healing power of nature lives within us all, and our naturopathic doctors can identify and remove obstacles by facilitating the inherent self-healing process in each patient.

Naturopathic Doctors

After you take the first step to better your health and give us a call, we will schedule an initial consultation with you. You must bring your past medical records, medications, supplements, and any questions and/or goals for our visits. We will evaluate your current lifestyle and listen to any concerns or areas you wish to improve.

From there, our experienced naturopathic physicians will schedule follow-up consultations as needed to get you on the fast track to health. These professionals have undergone comprehensive naturopathic medical education, attending accredited colleges and medical schools, ensuring they are well-equipped to evaluate and treat our patients with a deep understanding of natural medicine. Our naturopathic doctors assess our patients’ blood, hair, genetics, medical history and past medical procedures to create an analysis of what would best work for each client.

To schedule a consultation with our naturopathic doctor, call our office at (248) 477-0380. One of our doctors will address your needs shortly after!

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Payment Terms & Insurance Information

Diverse Health Services is out of network with all insurance companies.  As a courtesy, we are able to bill a chiropractic adjustment and/or X-rays to your insurance provider, unless your insurance is an HMO. Regardless of insurance type, payment for all services is expected at the time of appointment. We accept cash, check, or credit card (VISA, Mastercard or Discover).

The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest her or his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease. Thomas A. Edison